Get Menu Status by Location

Provider Enablement / Endpoints

Get Menu Status by Location

Returns a list of merchants associated with given access token. Without the optional parameters outlined below, the endpoint will return all merchants associated with your unique access token along with all of their respective locations, menu data and menu ingestion data where applicable.

Request Endpoint

GET /api/v15/merchant_management/merchants


An access token is required for this request. Contact your partner Solutions or Operations Engineer to get one.

Authorization: token YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN

Request Parameters

Name Type Description
provider_merchant_ids Object Comma separated list of Provider Merchant IDs. Optional.
expand_locations Boolean When set to true the returned locations will additionally include the menu state and state_reason_message along with a link to the menu on Marketplace and menu ingestion data if they exist. Default is true. Optional.
page Integer The page of results to request. Index starts at one. Maximum number of locations returned is 50. Optional.

Example Response Body

  "name": "LevelUp Cafe",
  "provider_merchant_id": "abc123",
  "locations": [
          "name": "Siam Bistro Pearl St.",
          "provider_location_id": "1",
          "menu": {
              "state": "exported",
              "state_reason_message": null
          "link_to_menu_on_marketplace": "",
          "last_menu_ingestion_data": {
              "time_of_last_successful_ingestion": "2020-04-02T13:36:17.872Z",
              "status": "SUCCESS",
              "json_byte_size": "0.7932 MB",
              "time_of_last_ingestion_attempt": "2020-04-02T13:36:17.872Z",
              "details": "Ingestion completed."
          "name": "Siam Bistro #2 Main St.",
          "provider_location_id": "2",
          "menu": {
              "state": "failed_to_import",
              "state_reason_message": "Menu refresh request failed. code=404"

Response Parameters

Name Type Description
name String The name of the merchant.
provider_merchant_id String A string that identifies the merchant.
locations Array of objects A list of objects defining the locations belonging to the merchant.
name String The name of the location.
provider_location_id String A string that identifies the location.
menu Object Menu level data.
state String State can be one of importing, imported, failed_to_import, exporting, exported or failed_to_export depending on whether the import/export is in-progress or complete, and whether or not there were errors.
state_reason_message String Will be null if no errors occurred. If errors occurred during import or export, they will be listed here.
link_to_menu_on_marketplace String A link to view the menu on Grubhub Marketplace.
String ISO 8601-formatted timestamp representing the time at which the most recent menu ingestion successfully completed processing.
status String Status can be one of SUCCESS, SENT_TO_GRUBHUB, FAILED, MANUALLY_FAILED, FAILED_TO_SEND_TO_GRUBHUB or FAILED_VALIDATION depending on whether the ingestion is in-progress (SENT_TO_GRUBHUB) or complete, and whether or not there were errors.
json_byte_size String Menu ingestion JSON byte size.
String ISO 8601-formatted timestamp representing the time at which the most recent menu ingestion completed processing, regardless of state.
details String Ingestion details including success messages as well as detailed error messages.