Interstitials .: Get

API Reference / v15

Get an Order’s Interstitial

This endpoint retrieves information about interstitials for orders. Interstitials are essentially “receipt notifications” for orders and should be displayed on a customer’s device immediately following the order.

To view an interstitial, you must have a user access token with the create_orders or read_qr_code permission.

Request Endpoint

GET /v15/orders/:uuid/interstitial

Authorization Required – User Token in Header

Authorization: token user="1131-a1fcf99331b51e92b6377920c915367a540523181985a203555bdcc37f0c86"

cURL Example

curl -v \
  -H Accept:application/json \
  -H Content-Type:application/json \
  -H 'Authorization:token user="1131-a1fcf99331b51e92b6377920c915367a540523181985a203555bdcc37f0c86"'

Example Response


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "interstitial": {
    "action": {
      # See possible actions below
    "callout_text": "text",
    "description_html": "Lorem ipsum minorus dinosaurus.",
    "image_url": "url_to_image", (client attaches query params)
    "title": "title",
    "type": "type" (one of: "claim", "feedback", "share", "url", "no_action")

NOTE: New types can be added at any time, so make sure to ignore any types that your app does not recognize.

Response Parameters

Param Type Description
action Object Type-specific action parameters for the interstitial. See below for details.
callout_text String Short text that asks the user to take the relevant action.
description_html String A description for the content of the interstitial that may contain HTML tags.
image_url String The URL for the image associated with the interstitial.
title String The title for the interstitial.
type String The type of the interstitial.


Depending on the interstitial type, the action object might look like any one of these:


  "action": {
    "code": "ABC123"


  "action": {
    "question_text": "How was your experience?"


  "action": {
    "message_for_email_subject": "...",
    "message_for_email_body": "...",
    "message_for_twitter": "...",
    "share_url_facebook": "...",
    "share_url_twitter": "...",
    "share_url_email": "..."


  "action": {
    "url": ""


  "action": null


If no interstitial is available for the order

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

    "error": {
      "code": "not_found",
      "message": "Interstitial not found.",
      "object": "interstitial",
      "property": "id"